D117 Families, Students, and Staff,
This is the February edition of a monthly update wherein you will receive timely reminders, links for upcoming events, and news from Community High School District #117. We promise to keep this to a 5 minute read (or less!)!
1. Please Share Your Feedback on Our Annual Family Survey!
Our schools are dedicated to continuous improvement, and we value input from students, staff, and families to guide our efforts. We invite parents, guardians, and caregivers to share their feedback on what District 117 is doing well and where we can improve. Please take a few moments to complete the Family Survey using the link below. The survey is anonymous, consists of 33 questions, and takes about 11 minutes to complete, with a few additional demographic questions at the end. Your participation is essential in helping us better understand and serve the needs of our District 117 community. Thank you for your time and valuable input! Here is the link: https://surveys.panoramaed.com/chsd117/2734029225/surveys
2. ACHS & LCHS Annual Booster Events!
Our annual big booster fundraiser events are happening soon!
Lakes Eagles Booster Club (LEBC): Save the Date! The LEBC Bid It To Win It! Online auction will be live from Friday, April 11 through Tuesday, April 15. Stay Tuned - more details to come! We are also looking for donations from the local community. If you have a business that would like to donate to the LEBC online auction, please contact Bid It To Win It! coordinator Tracy Behnke at tracybehnke@hotmail.com
Sequoit Pride Booster Club: Save the date for “The Main Event”! The Main Event is a fun annual dinner and auction that raises money to fund opportunities for all Antioch Community High School students. The event will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2025. Tickets can be purchased here. We are still looking for sponsors for the event; if you are interested, please go to https://www.sequoitpride.com/donate/online.php and type “Main Event” under what motivated you to donate today.
3. $5000 Scholarship Raffle for Cum Laude Students - Paperwork Due April 11, 2025
This year’s "Driving for Education" program has changed to guarantee one winner at both ACHS and LCHS, with this year’s prize taking the form of a $5000 scholarship for a cum laude graduate at each school to use on a college, university, or postsecondary training program! The "Driving for Education" program is in collaboration with Raymond Chevrolet Kia, and underscores our commitment to encouraging students to excel in various aspects of their lives, aligning with our ‘D117 Portrait of a Graduate’ vision. Eligibility criteria for the cum laude distinction and scholarship include:
- Earning a minimum of 26 academic credits
- Maintaining exemplary behavior with zero suspensions
- Contributing to the community with at least 40 hours of volunteer work
- Achieving excellence through securing 3 capstone credits
- Show consistent responsibility by maintaining a minimum of 95% attendance
- Showcasing school spirit by participating in at least four extracurricular activities
Thank you to Raymond Chevrolet Kia for making this “Driving for Education” program possible!
To ensure eligibility, students are reminded to submit all necessary paperwork to confirm their eligibility for cum laude recognition by the upcoming deadline of April 11, 2025, at 4 pm. (*Any student that DOES NOT wish to be included in the scholarship drawing should email jeff.feucht@chsd117.org)
4. Middle School Tour Dates Complete!
We are so grateful for our close partnerships with the five partner school districts who serve the students we are lucky to enroll as 9th graders at ACHS and LCHS! Over the past two weeks, we completed a tour of all five middle schools with teams of instructional leaders from ACHS and LCHS school to learn more about their programming and visit a broad range of classes to see our future Eagles and Sequoits in action! Thank you to the staff of Antioch Upper Grade School, Emmons Middle School, Grass Lake Middle School, Millburn Middle School, and Palombi Middle School for welcoming us with open arms!
5. “Sequoit Weekly” & “News from the Nest” bring you detailed information specific to ACHS or LCHS!
You can view Dr. Berrie’s (“Sequoit Weekly”) and Ms. Bowen’s (“News from the Nest”) super informative weekly newsletters in your email inbox and anytime on our websites at the very first link on the top left of the menu bar titled “Quick Links” OR just click here for ACHS or here for LCHS . This is the “one stop shop” for you to get the most current answers to your questions when you think “When was the date for X?” or “Who do I contact for Y”?!
Have a question or topic for our March update?
If you have a question or topic you would like us to include in our March update, please feel free to share your idea with our superintendent, Dr. Jeff Feucht via email (jeff.feucht@chsd117.org) or via phone (direct line: 847.838.7679).