Our Administrative Team welcomes you to Antioch Community High School.
Dr. Michael Berrie - Principal |
Dr. Jaclyn Orlov - Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction |
Scott Leverentz - Assistant Principal for Student Services |
Michael Maloney - Athletic Director |
Jessica Machak - Dean |
Kurt Sooley - Dean |
Nicole Hebson - English |
William Barbanera - Science |
Donna Corcoran - CTE |
Anne Eichman - Social Studies |
Megan Troyer - Math |
Michael Hickey - Fine Arts |
Randee Kallison - Special Education |
Jordan Eder - PE, Health, and Driver's Education |
Chad Rusk - World Languages |
Teri Klobnak - Activities Director |
5,760. This certainly seems like a big number, and it is, however, this number can be spent quickly.
5,760 is the number of hours that one can expect to spend in four years of high school and that is just during the school day. It doesn’t count the time spent in clubs, activities and sports. Depending on your involvement, that number can be remarkably higher. At the outset, the number appears to be imposing and significant; however, time travels fast and before you know it, in the waning days of your senior year, you will be closing in on this very number.
It is the desire and goal of the entire staff at ACHS to make these hours count. We want you to build connections with others and enjoy the time that you spend here. Your teachers expend great effort to create challenging and engaging lessons. We hope to find and fuel the passion that you might have when you are learning in your Spanish, U.S. History, Calculus, or English classes. Success for you will come in the form of challenging yourself and exceeding the expectations that you place on yourself in your classes. Wake up every day with the aim of making yourself a better version of what you were the day before.
Use these hours to find where your interests lie. You might want to continue your passion in music with the many course offerings that meet in one of the most state of the art facilities that can be seen in all of Lake County. You might be interested in dance and/or competitive cheerleading and will spend many hours in our newly renovated dance studio. Or, you might love to play softball and will spend these hours as part of a program that recently placed third in the IHSA Girls Softball State Tournament. There are many ways in which to make these hours matter.
And, while the hours of time spent here as a student are limited, always remember, “Once you’re a Sequoit, you’re always a Sequoit!”.
Mike Berrie