D117 Families, Students, and Staff,
This is the September edition of a monthly update wherein you will receive timely reminders, links for upcoming events, and news from Community High School District #117. We promise to keep this to a 5-minute read (or less!)!
1. Homecoming at ACHS & LCHS is in September! Bookmark our calendars page to stay up to date!
Homecoming week is next week at ACHS and the week following at LCHS! Be sure to bookmark our calendars at www.chsd117.org/page/calendars to keep track of all the homecoming events and share them with alumni, family, and friends!
2. Special Schedule for PSAT & SAT on October 9
All freshmen, sophomores, and juniors will take the PSAT on Wednesday, October 9. This test is used to identify academic growth targets and is a factor in determining student placement in classes. We will also have a small number of seats for seniors to take the SAT. There will be a sign-up shared for seniors interested in taking the SAT. More details about testing will be sent directly from the schools.
3. Consistent D117 Grading Categories & Parent Teacher Conferences
Beginning this school year, all teachers in D117 will use two consistent grading categories: "Learning Tasks" and "Assessments". This shift aims to provide more clarity and consistency across all classes, helping students and parents better understand how grades are determined.
"Learning Tasks" are assignments that help students practice and develop new skills. These tasks are usually done during daily lessons and allow students to engage with the material while building their skills. Examples of Learning Tasks include homework, classwork, participation in discussions, and small group activities, among other practice activities.
"Assessments" are used to evaluate a student's mastery of the skills and knowledge taught. These are more formal measures of progress. Assessments may include quizzes, tests, projects, and major essays or presentations.
Also, please note that we are continuing the invite conference format for parent-teacher conferences in October that we started last year. We will be actively contacting the family of every student who has a grade in any class lower than a C to schedule a conference.
If your student is not earning lower than a C in any class they will not receive an invitation. However, we want to remind all parents that they are welcome to email any of their student's teachers at any time during the year to schedule a phone call, video conference, or in-person meeting even if they have no specific concerns about their child's performance in the class. Our teachers are always eager to meet and partner with parents in supporting their student's success!
4. "If You See Something, Say Something" - Reminder of the Anonymous Tip Line
As we shared in an email last week, the safety and security of our students and staff will always be our first priority. Our district takes all situations very seriously and does not tolerate joking about school safety. Please remain vigilant and communicate with staff immediately if you are aware of potential threats to individuals, groups, or the school at large. The golden rule will always be: "If you see something, say something."
Students and community members can always text LAKECO to 1-844-823-5323 to report potential threats to our safety and security anonymously. They will receive an immediate text response from a trained, professional counselor.
This tip line is not only for potential threats. It can also be used if you or a loved one is going through a mental health crisis. Make a note that you can always text LAKECO to 1-844-823-5323
Ping us back! If you have a question about any of these items or would like to suggest a topic for our October update, please feel free to share your idea with our superintendent, Dr. Jeff Feucht via email (jeff.feucht@chsd117.org) or via phone (direct line: 847.838.7679).