District 117 Families, check out our new Return-To-School informational page and the most recent communication/draft school calendar from Dr. McKay. http://chsd117il.apptegy.us/o/chsd-117/page/reopening

Check out the latest communication from Dr. McKay regarding the return to school plan in August: https://5il.co/hydx

Education Is Needed
District 117 Stakeholders,
We all have been repeatedly tried and challenged over the course of the last three months unlike any time in history. The COVID-19 virus has negatively impacted millions economically, threatened the health of all of us, and taken the lives of too many of our friends and family. Through education and guidance from public health officials, individual as well as collective sacrifices, we have hopefully gotten through the worst of this terrible disease.
We have been challenged yet again by a civil crisis. We support our Black community in the face of the racism and injustice that has again come into sharp focus this past week. These injustices are long-standing, as is the pain caused by them. Peaceful protests have been interrupted by violence, property damage, and destruction. Given the confluence of these highly disruptive events, people are understandably grappling with a variety of emotions. Clearly, there is anger, pain, fear, and exhaustion all of which, to some extent, are normal feelings. Navigating these uncertain times can be difficult, however, seeking support from friends and family can make these challenges more manageable.
People are vital and the core of a healthy society. I encourage you to support each other and continue to observe the guidance of our public health and law enforcement officials. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Stay safe and healthy,
Dr. Jim McKay

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