Seniors march to graduation.

To the Class of 2021 students and families: 

We know you’ve been eagerly waiting for information regarding plans for Commencement for Antioch Community High School’s Class of 2021 and are excited to be able to share an update with you. 

Throughout the planning process, as we’ve done with all of District 117’s decisions this year, we’ve carefully reviewed and planned within the recommendations and requirements set forth by community health experts including the CDC, IDPH, and Illinois State Board of Education.  Community events, including school commencement ceremonies, need to follow the IDPH guidelines.  Should guidance change between this point and the day of Commencement, we may need to make further adjustments and/or alterations to plans. 

Commencement will be hosted in the Antioch Community High School stadium on May 16, at 5 p.m., as originally scheduled.   Each Class of 2021 graduate will receive three (3) tickets for guests.  Extra tickets will not be available due to the need to socially distance between family groups.  A live broadcast of the in-person Commencement ceremony will be recorded and available online on May 16.  In addition to reduced capacity seating in the stadium bleachers, chairs will be arranged on the field for guest seating behind our graduating students.  Masks will be required.  

If there is inclement weather on May 16 Commencement will be postponed to 5 p.m. on May 23, 2021.  A decision in that regard will be made early on May 16, emailed to students and families, distributed across school social media channels, and posted on the school website.  

Graduation practice will take place on Friday, May 14, and any students who are participating in the in-person Commencement ceremony are expected to be in attendance.  Further details regarding graduation practice will be shared by the end of April.  

A virtual commencement ceremony, similar to the one created for the Class of 2020, will be produced as well.  

Every graduating student, using their CHSD117 google account, should complete the form linked below no later than Friday, April 30, to collect material for the virtual commencement ceremony as well as to indicate their intentions to participate in the in-person Commencement ceremony.  Cap and gown regalia will be distributed to students prior to the end of April.  Questions can be directed to Scott Leverentz, Assistant Principal for Student Services, at or 847-838-7767.  


Antioch Community High School Administration  

Note: Link above is case-sensitive